AQA A-LEVEL: Issues and Debates - Nature and Nurture Debate

NATURE AND NURTURE DEBATE NATURE Behaviour has roots in physiology e.g. genes, bodily functions - hormones and nervous system Stresses nature, reduces behaviour to a biological level- influence of genes and physical factors NURTURE Behaviour is largely driven by nurturing influences e.g. our environment (learning, socialisation, social norms etc) Those who stress nature reduce behaviour to environmental factors and claim we learn our behaviour from our environment INTERACTIONIST Both nature and nurture influence behaviour e.g. phenotypes Key genes may give individuals genetic predispositions to certain behaviours, however, this is moderated by environmental forces e.g. opportunities The Diathesis-Stress Approach is an example of interactionism IMPORTANCE OF HEREDITY AND THE ENVIRONMENT HEREDITY - The genetic transmission of mental and physical characteristics from one generation to another ENVIRONMENT - Any influence on human behavio...